This is the four of us at our campsite. My brother is doing his best impression of the squirrel that ate our chocolate chip cookies! It was an evil squirrel!
We spent the last night listening to my brother play song requests as best he could on his harmonica. It felt like we should have been laying our heads down on saddles and listening to the wolves howl in the distance. It was very soothing and relaxing.
On the adoption front, Kazakhstan officials have temporarily suspended processing of adoptions that are at the consulate. Upon first hearing this I felt like I should be upset, but I really feel quite calm about it and figure it will happen when it is meant to happen and me getting anxious about it isn't going to help matters. Besides, I applaud the Kazakhstan government for wanting to review the inter-country adoption process. It highlights their care and concern for the children, which is what is most important. Last we knew our paperwork was still at the Consulate and that is a-okay we are here for the duration so we might as will enjoy the trip!
Jeff and I have been married for six years. We live in rural Missouri and enjoy any number of activities from camping to spending time with family. Our other two "kids" are our German Shepherd dog, Inga and our fat cat that thinks he's a rottweiller, Chopstix. We are on a journey, but have been blown of course and now must set a new course. While our first destination was Kazakhstan, that is not to be, so we have set our sites on a domestic adoption as we look forward to building our family and the path that God will lead us down next.