In April we took a camping trip to Southeast Missouri and visited Elephant Rock SP, Ft. Davidson SH, and Johnson's Shut-ins. It was a really great trip. It was really amazing to see in person the devastation that occurred when the Taum Sauk Reservoir broke and flooded Johnson's Shut-Ins SP. It happened about 4-5 years ago and they are still working to restore the area.
Now we are preparing to take a trip west to visit Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore and anyplace else along the way. My niece is going with us as we plan to use her as bear bait ;O)! We should have a great time and hopefully some really awesome pictures and maybe when we get back we will know what our next step or direction or plan is for building our family.
I am sorry that you haven't heard any adoption news. While I would love to hear that something is happening in the adoption world for you, I still like hearing what you are up to as you wait. The wait can be so all-consuming so it is nice to see how the rest of your life is going too.
Hang in there--hopefully those dogs will have a human sibling soon.
Hi Guys.....Pigs are about to fly...for me....finally after almost 3 years I am going to travel to Kaz! I can't believe it and seriously thought it would never happen. We just had a very slow start. It will happen for you too. I just know it!
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