Friday, May 14, 2010

Still hanging on

Well, here it is the middle of May and no word on the adoption. Jeff has asked me if maybe we are just supposed to be dog parents...and after all things considered I have to wonder. I realize that anyone reading this is looking to hear about our adoption journey and not everything we do to fill our waiting period, but it seems so sad to just let the blog sit here and go un-updated month after month! So...

In April we took a camping trip to Southeast Missouri and visited Elephant Rock SP, Ft. Davidson SH, and Johnson's Shut-ins. It was a really great trip. It was really amazing to see in person the devastation that occurred when the Taum Sauk Reservoir broke and flooded Johnson's Shut-Ins SP. It happened about 4-5 years ago and they are still working to restore the area.

Me about midway up the scour channel beneath the repaired reservoir.

Now we are preparing to take a trip west to visit Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore and anyplace else along the way. My niece is going with us as we plan to use her as bear bait ;O)! We should have a great time and hopefully some really awesome pictures and maybe when we get back we will know what our next step or direction or plan is for building our family.


McMary said...

I am sorry that you haven't heard any adoption news. While I would love to hear that something is happening in the adoption world for you, I still like hearing what you are up to as you wait. The wait can be so all-consuming so it is nice to see how the rest of your life is going too.
Hang in there--hopefully those dogs will have a human sibling soon.

lisa said...

Hi Guys.....Pigs are about to fly...for me....finally after almost 3 years I am going to travel to Kaz! I can't believe it and seriously thought it would never happen. We just had a very slow start. It will happen for you too. I just know it!
