Friday, April 11, 2008

Where is the SUNSHINE!!

So the weather here has been less than acceptable.  WE get teaser days that are nice and in the 70's and then we get rain for a week and it gets cold and dreary.  A lot of places around us have flooded, but we haven't floated away and shouldn't anytime soon; although, I feel as though we should be building an ark!  This weekend we are even supposed to get snow flurries!!!  YUCK!

There isn't a whole lot going on any front.  A week, to the day, the adoption suspension for Kazakhstan was lifted and things are supposed to be moving, but probably a little slower than before.  We just continue on with preparations and life.  I contacted our agency to see if our dossier had moved, but they had received no information that it had reached the MFA, which is the first place it has to go when it reaches Kazakhstan.  With nothing more to say...Paka!

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